Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Letting thoughts flow
through pen
Onto the canvas of
As it realizes it's own devices.
A never-ending hail of tumultuous theories
Half-realized epiphanies of a true self or
A martyr masquerading as the lost
(more oft I think it is those who are lost that masquerade as martyrs)
Thoughts once flown are hardly quelled
As the ink is wet, the screen is filled, and
A mind unleashed is a mind chaotic and free.
Down into the sea of Earth
I am afraid.
I am afraid of things that are afraid of me.
Mind, body, conscience, youth,
I wear a key around my neck,
Trapped in string.
A key from the journal of a six year old me-
It won't come off.
Up into the sea of space.
I am afraid.
I am afraid of things that are afraid of me.
Thought, obsession, morality, mortality,
I wear a gold ring around my finger
Trapped in flesh.
Relics from a life lived but not remembered-
Of love never had, yet still lost.

Friday, May 18, 2012

awaiting solace...if it will ever come

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Will I ever get the life I want?